Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Kopp trying to say everything is OK

In a statement aimed to lull faculty and staff, Marshall University President Stephen Kopp declared the university is working to thrive with the 3.4 percent reduction in state appropriations.
Kopp said the university is pursuing programs in the health care industry, such as pharmacy and physical therapy, to accommodate a growing demand in the field, attract and retain students and help meet budgetary restraints. Kopp said using some programs like the endowment based research program, which once funded will be self-sustaining, and the newly formed Sustainability Department, which is monitoring the university’s efficiency and waste, will help with budgetary issues.
With this announcement Kopp is trying to let the faculty and staff know the university is trying to improve the current situation in the face of budgetary cuts and the new freeze on tuition. This statement was probably a reaction to calm fears of further departmental cuts within the university.

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