Thursday, January 28, 2010

I was right, well, sort of

In a post from Jan. 21, I attempted to predict with mild success what President Obama would say in his first State of the Union address on Wednesday.

In the address Obama sternly and optimistically pushed for bipartisanship by asking Congress to put aside their differences and focus on jobs and the economy, the need to pass health care reform, tackling the deficit and national security. I predicted correctly Obama would use the forum as a call to arms for bipartisanship to pass important legislation like the health care bill. I was partially correct about Obama pointing to the success statistics of the Recovery Act. Instead of focusing on the numbers, he told stories of the people and businesses the act helped.

While I was correct on some of the themes of the address, I failed in predicting the specifics of how he would go about making his points. I also failed in noting a few major points of the address, like job creation, on what Obama needed to focus.

1 comment:

  1. Many presidents used numbers in their SOU addresses, I too found it interesting and very modern of Obama to use real life stories instead. I think it makes things more personal for listeners.
